By Shirley M. Cavalcante (SMC)
Paulinho Rosenbaum, a sociologist at the University of Haifa in Israel, a Brazilian with almost 15 years of experience abroad and a professor of Judaism since 1985, Paulinho Rosenbaum combines the most innovative and concrete to the ancient Jewish Wisdom, democratizing the knowledge of faith. , customs and values of the Jewish people and Israel.
Acted as a speaker in front of the most demanding audiences from Israel, United States, Canada and Brazil from North to South.
The use of syncretisms, poetic license and humor have become his hallmark in both music and literature.
He created the Tropicasher, Tropical Flavored Torah in Toronto, when he realized that people needed more than just knowledge to empathize with the Sacred thing, in this case the Jewish Torah and Its 613 Commandments.
His works are usually signed with a summary of this Bible verse:
"It is God who gives me strength to triumph" (Devarim - Deuteronomy 8:18)
“... the time has come to write the first of a possible trilogy, with the main purpose of opening a window into the Jewish Civilization. They are all invited to take a peek inside the fenestra and marvel at what they discover.Nothing here is a full stop and there will always be room for more. ”
Good reading!
Writer Paulinho Rosenbaum, it is a pleasure to count on your participation in the magazine Divulga Escritor. Tell us what motivated you to write “What is Judaism?”
Paulinho Rosenbaum - Shalom,
I started teaching Judaism in the 1980s, doing group dynamics and organizing debates in Israel. Since then I have studied at some Yeshivot (center of Talmudic and Rabbinic Studies. Singular = Yeshiva) in both Israel and Canada where I have devoted most of my time to self-taught study of classical Jewish sources and teaching Spanish Torah to immigrants. Latin Americans in Toronto. Dipping religious knowledge into the good Jewish mood and Brazilian culture shaped the “Tropicasher, Torah with Tropical Flavor”. The current book is the third in this series, in the form of questions and answers.
Introduce us to the work
Paulinho Rosenbaum - “What is Judaism?” Is a synopsis taken from thousands of biblical and post-biblical texts and commentaries from the Jewish point of view, often very different from Roman-secularism.
Since we started with the site and the study groups on social networks, the buzz of questions has been so great that it is time to write the first of a possible trilogy, with the main purpose of open a window into the Jewish Civilization. They are all invited to take a peek inside the fenestra and marvel at what they discover. Nothing here is an end point and there will always be room for more.
What are the main objectives to be achieved by reading this literary work?
Paulinho Rosenbaum - In this work I do my best to achieve the impossible: to select millennia of knowledge and ethical-religious practice in a basic and current book, profound but easy to read, which does not claim to answer all questions, but can elucidate some. In the Age in which we live, we have the privilege of being able to access so much knowledge, from so many places, in the language we want and so quickly. But it also requires us to be concise, selective and practical.
What caught your attention most when writing the book?
Paulinho Rosenbaum - How much the Jewish knowledge can help us to soften doubts that we nourish in our daily living, regardless of our religious orientation. In Judaism faith is part of a people and not the other way around. Being Jewish is ethnic, cultural, national and religious. You are Jewish because your mother is Jewish even though you are an atheist. And you're not Jewish if your mother isn't Jewish, even if she can speak Hebrew, adore Israel, and post bizarre photos on social networks dressed as Jewish. There are Jews who practice and those who do not, who practice like this or roast, who identify themselves in this way or that as Jews. No Jew thinks he follows a religion, but feels he is part of a people. I thought it was nice to put this in the form of a book like "What is ...?"
Give us some summary topics
Paulinho Rosenbaum - Akarát Hatóv - Gratitude - the basis of Judaism; Who is the real Kabbalist?
All Judaism on one foot; Who is not a Jew goes to heaven? The karma in Judaism.
Who does reading mean?
Paulinho Rosenbaum - Children and adults who can read.
You are participating in the International Book Biennial of Rio de Janeiro. Tell us where, on what day, time, we can meet you there.
Paulinho Rosenbaum - Riocentro Biennial (Barra da Tijuca, 09/02/2019 from 13h, stand of Autografia publishing house);
Where can we buy your book?
Paulinho Rosenbaum - At the Riocentro Biennial itself (Barra da Tijuca, 09/02/2019 from 13h, stand of Autografia publishing house); on the websites of the main bookstores and the publisher Autografia, and the websites and
What are your main literary projects?
Paulinho Rosenbaum - The book has the whole listing on the last page but we can highlight the Parashá Para Já series (Tropicasher-style Torah comments) and soon we will have a revolutionary work of Kabbalah teaching according to its original sacred sources, but with that tropical knowledge. that the Brazilian likes: The Tropical Kabbalah!
Well, we are nearing the end of the interview. Very good to know the writer Paulinho Rosenbaum better. Thank you for your participation in Divulga Escritor Magazine.What message do you leave for our readers?
Paulinho Rosenbaum - Thanks again for the opportunity. The message we all want to receive is always that of love. Everything that is done with love and in a good mood brings hearts together and breaks barriers, overturns strangeness and is good for health.
This book is only a slight initiative in this regard.
Paulinho Rosenbaum
Discloses Writer, Uniting You to the World Through Literature
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